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5G accelerates the energy revolution, and future development trends become increasingly clear

Release time:2024-09-18click:0
In today’s world, the importance of energy is self-evident. As a large country with many energy sources including hydropower, petroleum, coal, nuclear energy, wind energy, etc., our country has significant advantages in the type and quantity of resources. However, due to backward technology, equipment, etc., and conservative models, our country's energy exploitation has long been exploited. Problems such as low efficiency, serious pollution, and high costs have seriously affected the satisfaction of development needs in the new era.
Against this background, with the arrival of a new generation of technological revolution and industrial transformation, it is a general trend for the energy industry to accelerate the upgrading of intelligence and informatization. As a new generation of communication technology, 5G is becoming an important strategic resource and new infrastructure supporting energy transformation. Its characteristics such as high speed and low latency can effectively drive energy production and model innovation and inject new impetus into the energy revolution.
 5G energy has a wide range of application scenarios
For 5G, energy is an excellent place to use it. The "5G Application Implementation Plan in the Energy Field" released by my country previously showed that it can be implemented in smart power plants, smart grids, smart coal, smart oil and gas, integrated energy, smart manufacturing and construction, etc. The plan points out that in the next 3-5 years, our country will explore and form a number of business models that are replicable and easy to promote based on the above scenarios.
According to the specific content of the "Plan", the application of 5G in the field of smart power plants mainly focuses on four aspects: production control, intelligent inspection, intelligent operation and maintenance, and safety emergency. Based on the integration of 5G with different technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and industrial Internet, 5G can realize real-time collection of production data and remote control of equipment, realize the interconnection of various production personnel and intelligent equipment, and realize production and safety visualization.
At the same time, in the field of smart grid, the value of 5G is mainly reflected in power transmission and distribution operation monitoring, distribution network protection and control, new energy and energy storage grid connection, coordinated dispatch and stability control, emergency response Comprehensive application of on-site self-organizing network and several other aspects. Relying on the characteristics of low latency, high reliability and large connectivity of 5G network, it can promote the development of transmission and distribution robot inspections, drone inspections, high-definition video monitoring and other applications, and help the comprehensive upgrade of smart grids.
In the field of smart coal mines, the deep integration of 5G and coal machinery equipment can also realize real-time interaction and remote control of various types of information in coal mining and production, and promote intelligent mining and production control. ; With the help of visual communication, real-time high-definition video transmission, and environmental monitoring data collection, environmental monitoring and safety protection can be achieved; using advanced driving assistance systems, the construction and application of unmanned driving systems in mines can be carried out, supporting enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency; and with VR etc., can enable various virtual interaction functions.
In addition, in the oil and gas field, 5G can also play a role in exploration, oil and gas fields, refineries, pipeline transportation and other aspects; in the cross-field of intelligent manufacturing and construction, it can also promote the realization of intelligent manufacturing and assist on-site Collection, upgrading construction site operations, strengthening remote supervision, ensuring construction site safety... In short, 5G's value in promoting energy upgrades is diverse and significant. Its application space is huge, and its future potential is equally huge.
 Future development trends and directions
 So, what is the development trend of the integration of 5G and energy? How can our country develop to promote 5G+ energy?
Intelligent Manufacturing Network believes that one of the two most important problems at present is focused on 5G network, and the other is 5G technology. For applications in the energy field, it requires not only the extensive coverage of 5G networks, especially the improvement of dedicated networks, but also the continuous innovation of 5G-specific technologies. Based on the development of these two aspects, this website believes that the future trends and development directions of 5G+ energy mainly include the following points:
The first is to accelerate 5G private network coverage. At this stage, although the construction of 5G base stations in my country has exceeded 900,000, the 5G network has basically achieved initial coverage in major cities and towns. However, these base stations are mainly built in cities, while my country's energy construction is generally concentrated in remote areas or places with harsh environments. In other words, the coverage of 5G base stations dedicated to energy applications is not enough, and construction needs to continue to be strengthened.
The second step is to develop a number of key common technologies. Including 5G virtual private network, 5G drones/robots/remote inspection/remote control/5G AGV technology, 5G driverless technology, etc., these are the key common technologies for the current integration and development of 5G and energy, and they are also The most widely used technology. To this end, our country needs to take the lead in achieving breakthroughs in these technologies so that 5G can truly be put into practice in the energy field.
Once again, it is necessary to establish a 5G application technology standard system in the energy field. For 5G and the energy industry, the integrated development of both parties needs to be based on the construction of their respective standards. At the same time, it is also essential to formulate a standard that covers both 5G and the energy industry. But at present, whether it is the former or the latter, my country's standard construction is far from enough. Based on this, our country also needs to establish an application technology standard system that takes into account the technical needs of general scenarios and special scenarios.
Finally, we need to build a technology innovation platform related to 5G applications. The integrated development of 5G and energy is not static and requires continuous technological innovation to maintainvitality. Therefore, our country must focus on key common technologies and supporting special technologies related to 5G applications in the energy field, research and build a national energy R&D innovation platform related to the integrated application of advanced information technology and energy such as 5G, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., and accelerate the construction and improvement of the industrial ecosystem.

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