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The Fujian Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the River Chief Office jointly formulated the “Three Consolidation” Action Plan for Clear Water in Fujian Province.

Release time:2024-09-29click:0
In accordance with the deployment requirements of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, on July 11, 2019, the Fujian Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the River Chief Office jointly issued and implemented the “Three Consolidation” Action Plan for Clear Water in Fujian Province (hereinafter referred to as the “Action Plan”). 》). The details are as follows:
The people’s governments of various districts and cities, the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone Management Committee, and relevant provincial units:
According to the provincial party committee, The spirit of the instructions from the main leaders of the provincial government is to comprehensively consolidate the effectiveness of eliminating black and odorous water bodies in our province's inferior Class V small watersheds, Milk Creek and urban built-up areas, effectively solve the water ecological environment problems around the people, win the battle to defend clean water, and protect the provincial ecology. The Department of Environment, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the River Chief Office jointly formulated the “Three Consolidation” Action Plan for Clear Water in Fujian Province, which is now issued to you. Please implement it carefully.
Fujian Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
Fujian Provincial River Chief Office
July 11, 2019
(This matter is disclosed voluntarily)
Fujian Province’s “Three Consolidation” Action Plan for Clear Water
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In order to comprehensively implement the idea of ​​ecological civilization, conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Government on fighting the battle against pollution, resolutely fight the battle to defend clean water, and adhere to the "three comprehensives" "Three Cleans", "Three Highs" and "Three Stricts" will be used as the starting point to further consolidate the results of the treatment of small watersheds inferior to Class V, "Milk Creek" and the elimination of urban black and smelly water bodies, and deepen the implementation of the water ecology around the people. This action plan is formulated to tackle prominent environmental issues, normalize "clear water with green banks and shallow bottoms with fish swimming", and continuously enhance the people's sense of ecological environmental gain, happiness, and security.
1. Comprehensively eliminate inferior category V and consolidate the effectiveness of comprehensive management of small watersheds
 (1) Work objectives
In 2019, the proportion of water quality in Class I to III in small watersheds in the province will reach about 90%. The water quality shall not be worse than Category V according to the annual average assessment. In 2020, the proportion of water quality in Class I to Class III in the province's small watersheds will stably reach more than 90%, and the proportion of water quality reaching or better than Class V will reach 100%.
 (2) Key tasks
 1. Promote comprehensive management of the entire river basin with high quality.
(1) Organize and implement practical projects for the people by the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, focusing on the comprehensive improvement of the water environment in 82 small watersheds, and consolidate the results of the improvement of small watersheds with excellent water quality such as Sanming City and Nanping City , promote Yuxi, Jinjiang, Shenqingxi, Dongxi, Fengshanxi, Jiulongjiangnanxi, Xiaonanxi, Shanmeixi, Shizhongxi, Lingxi, Taoxi, Lanxi, Cuoshangxi, Taixi, Jiaoxi, 24 small watersheds with fragile water quality, including Xicang Creek, Dongxiao Creek, Xiayang Creek, Bayi Creek, Tiankeng Creek, Dongmen Creek, Pingtan Xixi, Dongxi, and Nansong Creek, will be comprehensively renovated to ensure that the water quality is stable and up to standard.
(2) Strengthen the investigation and rectification of sewage outlets into rivers, taking Longjiang River in Fuzhou City and Mulan River in Putian City as pilot projects, according to the principle of "blocking one batch, renovating one batch, and standardizing one batch" According to the requirements, the sewage discharge outlets of construction projects into the river shall be rectified in a classified manner to basically achieve zero discharge of sewage into the river. All localities are encouraged to carry out investigation and rectification in a timely manner based on the actual situation of the region.
2. Implement high standards to reduce water environment emissions and increase capacity.
(3) Strengthen the comprehensive improvement of the rural environment, introduce and implement discharge standards for rural domestic sewage treatment facilities, and use "one revolution and four actions" as the starting point to comprehensively and deeply promote the improvement of the rural living environment, We built and renovated three-compartment septic tanks for 408,600 households, completed the annual task of comprehensive environmental improvement in incorporated villages on time, conducted a "look back" on the comprehensive improvement of rural areas in previous years, and promoted the basic completion and putting into use of domestic sewage treatment facilities in towns and villages across the province.
(4) Efforts should be made to solve the pollution caused by the livestock and poultry breeding industry. The total number of pigs slaughtered annually in the province will be controlled within 20 million. The province will promote the resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure. By the end of 2019, Large-scale breeding farms are fully equipped with manure treatment facilities and equipment.
 (5) Implement ecological restoration of small watersheds. Taking the "Construction of Thousands of Miles of Safe and Ecological Water Systems" as the starting point, we will carry out comprehensive river improvement in small basins and reshape healthy and natural curved river coastlines., creating natural deep pools, shoals and floodplains. Promote "greening on all sides" and "governance in four areas" of small watersheds, and strengthen river protection and management. Strengthen the cleaning of land areas in rivers and waters, speed up the construction of conservation forests, strictly control river sand mining, and promote the recuperation of small watersheds.
3. Implement long-term management and protection of rivers at a high level.
 (6) Adhere to the goal orientation, establish and improve a new river management and protection mechanism with "dedicated personnel responsible, monitoring facilities, assessment methods, and long-term mechanisms" to strengthen river protection and management.
(7) Strengthen the supervision of the ecological environment grid, give full play to the role of grid members at the four levels of city, county, township and village, and open up the "water environment management and protection of small watersheds" The last kilometer”.
(8) Establish a grid-based environmental supervision mechanism, integrate the provincial river chief information platform through the ecological cloud platform, and realize the line of environmental supervision grid members, river chiefs and river managers Integrate online and offline interactions to achieve reliable traceability, effective prediction, pollution control, and smart supervision of water pollution prevention and control.
2. Completely eliminate the "Milk Creek" to make the rivers in the province clearer and smoother
(1) Work objectives
In 2019, the closed stone processing enterprises will achieve "two cuts and three cleans" (i.e. water cutoff, power cut off, removal of raw materials, removal of products, Cleaning equipment), the "Milk Creek" phenomenon during rainy periods has been fully contained. In 2020, the ecological restoration of abandoned mines and slag dumps will be completed, and the "Milk Creek" phenomenon will be completely eliminated.
 (2) Key tasks
 1. Further clean up and remove gravel and stone powder.
 (9) Comprehensively clean up the stone waste (slag) piled around mining areas, stone processing enterprises, and along rivers, streams, and roads. Before the end of 2019, all stones and products piled outside the company's factory area will be moved into the factory area, and all waste gravel and stone powder around the factory area will be cleaned up and transferred to a centralized slag dump for disposal.
(10) Strengthen the management of transportation vehicles for stone waste, gravel and powder, and fail to implement dust prevention and leakage prevention measuresvehicles are not allowed on the road. Organize the dredging and clearing of reservoirs and rivers where there is a lot of sediment or stone powder, and properly dispose of the silt.
 (11) Implement the ecological restoration and management project of the abandoned debris dump site. The existing waste stone and gravel dumpsite should be covered with soil and greened with vegetation before the end of 2019 to strictly prevent secondary pollution.
2. Further promote clean stone processing.
(12) Encourage stone processing enterprises to enter the processing concentration area for unified management. Illegal stone processing enterprises outside the area should be closed and dismantled, and "two cuts and three cleans" should be achieved to completely cut off water and water. Electricity, cleaning raw materials, cleaning products, cleaning equipment.
 (13) The stone processing concentration area must build centralized sewage treatment facilities, supporting pipe networks and reclaimed water reuse systems to achieve "zero discharge". If there are no complete sewage treatment facilities, all stone processing enterprises in the area should suspend production or close down.
 (14) Strictly implement the "three simultaneous" system of safety and environmental protection, urge retained stone processing enterprises to implement clean production, handle and dispose of gravel and stone powder in accordance with laws and regulations, and strictly prevent environmental pollution.
3. Further inventory and rectification of stone mines.
 (15) Strictly control the mining of building facing stone. It is prohibited to quarry within the first mountain range along rivers and streams. Mines within the prohibited mining area, as well as all unlicensed mines that have not reached small-scale mining, should be shut down immediately.
 (16) Strengthen the linkage between the GNSS remote supervision system and the law enforcement system, implement dynamic supervision of closed abandoned mines, conduct mine-by-mine inspections, and promptly punish mining rights holders who fail to make rectifications overdue, When illegal mining is discovered, forced closures are initiated promptly.
(17) Implement a comprehensive management project package for the ecological environment of abandoned stone mines, accelerate the ecological restoration of stone mines in Gutian County, Luoyuan County, Lianjiang County and other places in the Aojiang River Basin, and ensure that Fuzhou City The "Milk Creek" phenomenon will be completely eliminated in key areas such as Huayuan Creek and Lanshui Creek in Luoyuan County, Niu Creek in Lianjiang County, Gutian County Section of Aojiang River in Ningde City, and Lindun Creek in Changtai County, Zhangzhou.
 3. Consolidate the effectiveness of black and odorous water treatment, improve urban taste and people’s sense of gain
 (1 )Work goals
In 2019, the sewage pipe network in the built-up areas of prefecture-level cities in the province will be basically improved to achieve long-term cleanliness. By 2020, black and smelly water bodies in built-up areas of prefecture-level cities will be completely eliminated. The province will build new and renovated sewage every year. The pipeline network is 1,000 kilometers.
 (2) Key tasks
 1. Full coverage of sewage collection and treatment.
(18) Comprehensively investigate the functional status of facilities such as sewage pipe networks, basic situations such as misconnections and mixed connections, and user access conditions. Establish a municipal drainage pipe network information system to realize informatization and account book management of the pipe network.
 (19) Vigorously promote the improvement of sewage pipe network projects. Determine the direction, land use and construction scale of sewage pipe network construction in urban villages, old urban areas, and urban-rural fringe areas, and comprehensively promote the renovation and construction of sewage pipe networks. In 2019 and 2020, more than 1,000 kilometers of sewage pipe networks will be newly built and renovated respectively.
 (20) Implement projects such as pipe network misconnection renovation, pipe network renewal, damaged repair and renovation, and dredging of silted pipes, implement cleanup and diversion, and comprehensively improve the efficiency of existing facilities. Rainwater and sewage diversion must be implemented in new urban areas and new projects, and the sewage pipeline system must be connected into a network. If the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) concentration of the incoming water is less than 100 mg/L, a "one factory, one policy" systematic rectification plan must be formulated around the service area pipe network to clarify the rectification goals and measures.
 (21) Domestic sewage collection and treatment capacity must match the population, economic and social development, and water environment quality improvement requirements of the service area. If the processing capacity is insufficient, we must speed up the organization and implementation of new, modified, and expanded facilities. In areas where the population is small, relatively scattered or not covered by municipal pipe networks, decentralized sewage treatment facilities should be built according to local conditions.
2. Pollution source control.
(22) In accordance with the work idea of ​​"inspection, testing, tracing and treatment", organize and carry out the investigation and rectification of sewage outlets along the black and smelly water bodies in built-up areas of prefecture-level cities, and comprehensively investigate and rectify the sewage outlets Number, location, discharge method, river entry method, etc., and establish a file. We will strengthen the control of sewage outlets entering rivers by banning some, standardizing some, and improving some.
 (23) Comprehensively implement the pollution source emission standards compliance plan. All localities should organize and assess as soon as possible the impact of existing industrial wastewater connected to urban domestic sewage treatment facilities on the effluent of sewage treatment plants. Before the end of 2019, sort out the list of industrial enterprises that cause the water effluent to fail to meet the standard stably, and withdraw from it before the end of 2020. Opposite workWhen industrial wastewater is discharged beyond the standard or illegally discharged and leaked, affecting the stable and up to standard discharge of urban domestic sewage treatment facilities, organizations must carry out analysis and investigation, and illegal acts shall be seriously investigated and punished in accordance with the law.
 (24) Fully implement corporate pollution control responsibilities. Focus on strengthening the emission management of sewage discharge units such as restaurants, car washes, laundry, hotels, farmers' markets along the coast, combined with market rectification and business license, health license management, etc., to rectify the random discharge of sewage from commercial units and individual industrial and commercial households along the street. Promote systematic and comprehensive management of black and odorous water bodies. Simultaneously carry out pollution control in upstream small ditches, small tributaries and other watersheds and non-point source pollution that affect the treatment of urban black and odorous water bodies, and improve the quality of urban water bodies.
 (25) Strengthen the preservation of ecological living water. Rationally allocate water resources and strengthen the overall management of ecological flows in river basins. Gradually restore the ecological base flow of water bodies. Ecologically transform river and lake shorelines according to local conditions, and restore and enhance the self-purification function of river and lake water systems. Encourage the use of recycled water from sewage treatment facilities, tail water and collected and treated rainwater for ecological water replenishment of rivers. Carry out river dredging and clean up informal garbage dumps on the banks.
3. The whole process of joint law enforcement.
 (26) In accordance with the "five-step method" of investigation, assignment, verification, interview, and special supervision, special actions to renovate and protect urban black and smelly water bodies are carried out year by year, focusing on investigating and dealing with mixed rainwater and sewage connections. Or there are problems such as wrong connections, direct discharge of sewage, random private connections, random discharge of sewage from commercial units and individual industrial and commercial households along the street.
 (27) Strengthen joint law enforcement inspections. Organize joint law enforcement by the ecological environment, water conservancy, drainage (urban management), market supervision and other departments, focusing on strengthening the supervision of industrial enterprises along the river, upstream and tributaries, as well as catering, car wash and other production and operation units, to ensure that the internal pollution control facilities of the enterprise comply with the requirements construction and stable operation, and punish illegal activities such as excessive discharge and illegal discharge in accordance with the law. We will demolish illegal buildings that encroach on rivers in accordance with the law, and crack down on illegal activities such as dumping garbage and soil into water bodies and setting up sewage outlets without authorization.
(28) Comprehensively implement grid supervision. Ecological grid officers at all levels must regularly inspect and supervise pollution sources within the grid, promptly discover and stop environmental violations, and promptly report and Investigate and handle cases to achieve “dynamic supervision, comprehensive tracking, and comprehensive disposal.”
 (29) Carry out regular water quality monitoring. Water quality monitoring is carried out every quarter on the 87 black and odorous water bodies in urban built-up areas included in the assessment. If the water bodies are classified as or borderline black and odorous water bodies after monitoring, a monitoring section should be set up at the junction of the upstream river and the urban built-up area to monitor the upstream water entering the urban area. Monitor incoming water, provide timely warnings, analyze and judge, and strengthen water quality monitoring.
4. Safeguard Measures
(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. All localities must improve organizational leadership mechanisms, effectively strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, and form a task list for construction and transformation; river and lake chiefs at all levels must effectively perform the duties of "construction captain" and resolutely keep the main responsibilities of water control and water management in mind and grasp them. Put it on your shoulders. The Ecological Environment, Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and River Chief Offices at all levels, together with the departments of industry and information technology, natural resources, agriculture and rural areas, and water conservancy, establish problem and work ledgers according to the division of responsibilities, effectively perform the pollution prevention and control responsibilities of the competent departments, and ensure that various tasks are effective.
(2) Increase capital investment. Actively strive for corresponding financial support from the central government and encourage financial institutions to provide financing support for projects that improve the quality and efficiency of sewage treatment. Comprehensive use of investment subsidies, awards in lieu of subsidies, fiscal interest discounts, local government bond funds, fund investments, investment project packages, etc. to increase infrastructure investment in urban and rural areas of people's livelihood. Research and explore the standardization of pledged financing guarantees such as project income rights and franchise rights to create a good market environment and attract social capital to participate in facility investment, construction and operation.
(3) Strengthen monitoring and early warning. Ecological and environmental protection departments at all levels take the lead in regularly monitoring the water quality of small watersheds, "Milk Creek", and black and smelly water bodies in urban areas. When water quality becomes unstable, intensive monitoring should be carried out in a timely manner, and water quality change trends should be tracked and analyzed in a timely manner to strengthen the goal-oriented role of water quality. . At the same time, the ecological cloud platform is fully utilized to gather river chief system, hydrological data, meteorological data, corporate water and electricity consumption and other information to strengthen dynamic monitoring of water quality, prediction and early warning, traceability, and continue to promote fine management and control of river basins.
(4) Implement long-term mechanism. Give full play to the role of the platform of the river chief system, and make the "three consolidations" the focus of daily supervision of the river chief system and include it in the annual assessment; river and lake chiefs and river managers at all levels must strengthen daily patrols of rivers, discover problems in a timely manner, and hand them over for processing. Every year, we organize strict inspections and visits to a group of outstanding small watersheds, milk streams, and black and smelly water bodies; we seriously report a group of problems with lagging progress in water environment improvement, repeated water quality, and strong public reactions; strictly interview a group of "three consolidations" "Relevant river chiefs and responsible persons who have not implemented the work in place, the river water quality has deteriorated, the water environment has not been improved for a long time, and the performance of duties is not in place, and the water quality has dropped to worse than Class V across categories or there are major problems in accordance with the cadre management authority. Responsibility, supervise rectification and ensure effectiveness.
(5) Promote shared governance by all the people. Give full play to the role of 12345 government service hotline, 12369 environmental protection reporting hotline, and 96133 river and lake long-term supervision hotline, unblock public supervision channels, and guideSocial forces jointly supervise the implementation of the work of improving the quality of the water ecological environment by governments at all levels, river chiefs, and functional departments, and build a work pattern of "everyone uses water and everyone controls water" to continuously meet the people's growing needs for a beautiful water ecological environment.
 (Original title: The Fujian Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the River Chief Office jointly formulated the "Three Consolidation Action Plan for Clear Water in Fujian Province")

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